6 Tips to Reduce Compressed air Leak Audit costs whatever your production demands are
Compressed air leak audit- Everything in our life needs to be inspected regularly and, in most circumstances, replaced on a timely basis. This ensures optimal operation and, more crucially, improved performance.
It’s no different at a production facility, an automotive manufacturing plant, the agriculture business, a refinery, a food manufacturing plant, or anywhere else where systems and equipment must work and perform at their best. Every sector requires a compressed air leak audit of uptime and production output.
Air compressors, like other utilities, are a critical component in every facility or production unit. The tools, controllers, valves, production equipment, and other items that rely on compressed air from the system are all affected by their state and output. Therefore, the machine may not be able to meet the manufacturing requirement if it is not monitored.
Furthermore, compressed air accounts for a significant portion of total energy expenses for industrial producers – normally around 12%, but as high as 40% in some facilities because it is an area that can have a significant impact on compressors. (compressed air leak audit)
If the compressor has been in use for a long time and is no longer producing the desired output, it is time to replace it or discover other ways to boost the output.
6 Tips to reduce compressed air energy costs
Pressure should be reduced.
The pressure in many systems is set higher than it needs to be. To achieve the necessary high pressure, more energy is used to compress the air. Large amounts of compressed air are squandered as a result. Energy expenses rise by 1% for every additional 2 psi, which adds up quickly. (compressed air leak audit)
Is it possible to use a second compressor to boost the pressure to run several ends? Then, as a result, the system can function at a lower pressure, which saves energy.
Air leaks must be repaired.
There will be some leaks in the compressed air system if it is older than 12 months. Leaks in the piping, fittings or point-of-use devices could all be the source of the problem. Even a minor leak, undetectable to the naked eye, wastes energy and money. A modest compressed air system often has 10 to 30 leaks. (compressed air leak audit)
A leak must first be identified before it can be repaired. A compressed air leak audit detects air leaks and allows you to rectify any major breaches. Then, start the test’s payback phase – don’t leave any leaks unattended! (compressed air leak audit)
Examine the distribution
Inspecting your distribution entails looking for leaks and determining the size of your pipes. Unwanted pressure drops can be caused by leaks and improperly sized pipes, forcing your compressed air system to work harder and waste more energy. Leaks contribute 20% to 30% of air consumption in some systems.
Multiple compressor systems can be controlled efficiently.
When constructing a multiple compressor system, base loading as many compressors as feasible is an excellent method to save money. In addition, because you choose which compressor to run at a specific load based on plant flow needs, multiple compressor control helps reduce operating costs.
It can also reduce the operating pressure band of the compressor (remember, 2 psi increases the energy consumption by 1 percent). If your system includes both a VSD and a centrifugal compressor, multiple compressor controls will maintain the VSD and centrifugal compressors operating at their best, reducing compressed air blow-off.
Heat should be restored.
When you compress air, you always get the heat as a consequence. Certain compressors can recover nearly 90% to 95% of their heat. For example, a radiator-cooled device may heat a building’s air, whereas a water-cooled unit can heat water for plants. To conserve money, employ these resources to power your facility instead of directing hot compressors outside or dumping hot water. (compressed air leak audit)
Don’t underestimate the value of routine servicing (Compressed Air Leak Audit).
Taking the finest care of your compressed air equipment is the best way to ensure that it is available when you need it. This involves investing in routine preventative maintenance to maintain or increase the efficiency attained by purchasing a new compressor. Whether you prefer to buy spare parts only and perform maintenance yourself, sign up for a manufacturer or approved distributor’s planned maintenance programme at predetermined intervals, or opt for a total responsibility package that covers breakdowns and eliminates surprises, the most important thing to remember, i.e., condensed compressor performance is not certain as the machine ages.
Regular maintenance will boost your equipment’s uptime and energy efficiency; on the other hand, neglecting to do so may result in greater downtime, more energy usage, and maybe a breakdown. Compressed air solutions such as compressors, dryers, blowers, Generators, and related accessories such as energy-saving & optimization products are supported by the STOPLEAKLOSS dedicated service team, consisting of our decisive dealer’s service engineers.