We Maintain Assets with Quality & Integrity

StopLeakloss is a service offering from Permaweld Pvt Ltd. The company started in 1988 and remained focus on Critical maintenance starting with specially engineered maintenance products from overseas principals. We have helped the industry move from Breakdown to preventive maintenance, and then introducing predictive maintenance through services.

About Management

  • Permaweld is committed to provide unique maintenance products with applications to help extend maintenance intervals of the productive assets and machineries of the customers..
  • First to provide the highest quality of maintenance solutions for critical machinery. (SAME).
  • Second to ensure that product services are sourced from the world’s best research research-oriented principals who focus on proprietary Intellectual Property and patented technology..

Our Mission

The journey continues within our very focused objective “To Make Maintenance a Profit Center.”

Our Vision

The Vision of the company is to help all segments of the industry evolve and progress from breakdown maintenance to improving productivity by first surveys and audits to study current norms and then challenging “current maintenance intervals” where expansion results in major savings. The goal and process are used to audits and surveys to identify hidden losses by quantifying Compressed air leak loss, Steam trap survey, Thermography Audit, and insulation losses, where correction allows and makes upgrades of technology affordable based on fresh budgets created by savings.

We consistently seek to help the industry between Price and effective cost. This allows for the few progressive corporate to adopt the usage of higher quality solutions that extend maintenance intervals dramatically and the justification is the ROI and not linear cheap prices.
