Balongan Refinery
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compressed air audits

Comprehensive Compressed Air Audits: The 5-Step Process

Compressed air audits Manufacturing plants spend over 40% of their entire energy expenses on compressed air alone, making an efficient compressed air system essential for sustaining a healthy bottom line. But, unfortunately, not all systems function in the most efficient manner possible. The list is endless as we observe daily – compressors that are not

Steam trap inspection survey

Steam Trap Inspection Survey: The Hows, Whys and Whats

Steam trap inspection survey are automated valves designed to drain condensate (and vent air) while retaining steam. And, like other mechanical equipment, they will ultimately require maintenance to return to manufacturer specifications and prevent: Steam leakage, or Blocked condensate discharge (i.e., cold traps) Visual observation, measuring temperature, measuring sound/vibrations or ultrasound, and some combination of

compressed air leak audit

The Complete Air Compressor Auditing Guide

Introduction compressed air leak audit: Let’s be honest, that energy is very expensive and discovering ways of reducing energy expenses is essential to the bottom line.  Now, we will show you a step-by-step strategy on the most proficient method to lead an audit, how to implement, and how to execute the changes required. Why conduct

steam trap testing

Steam Trap Testing and Maintenance

Introduction The Testing of Steam Traps Traditional and contemporary methods of steam trap testing Indiscriminate maintenance of steam traps costs money. Steam traps will either be in any of the following conditions: In good working condition, In Leaking steam or,  In Blocking flow A significant issue has consistently been the exact distinguishing proof of broken

ultrasound leak detector

Understanding the concept of Ultrasound Leak Detectors and the Process

Introduction Practically, leaks can form any place in a plant. This incorporates pressurized systems and systems under a vacuum. Holes can happen inside through valves and steam traps, in the heat exchanger and condenser tubes or to the environment. While finding potential security perils from leaks, the deficiency of gases through ultrasound leak detectors can