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An uninsulated pipeline not only results in heat loss but also affects the quality of steam which can lead to critical problems.




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    The energy of steam is directly proportional relative to the quality of steam. The quality of steam crumbles with a drop in temperature during transportation because of different factors. It is important to maintain the steam temperature during transportation to the client end by providing insulation to the steam pipelines. The Thermal Insulation material may get weaker due to aging and atmosphere conditions. These factors deteriorate the quality of steam bringing about condensate formation in the steam pipeline and enhance issues like water hammering, corrosion, and erosion.

    Stopleakloss a help offering from Permaweld Pvt Ltd, can distinguish the areas of interest on the steam pipeline utilizing a warm imager and compute the warmth misfortune related with the feeble protected zones. Added to that the warmth misfortune will be changed over to identical steam misfortune and comparable money-related misfortune.

    Methodology of Audit

    • A team of experienced and qualified engineers will scan the entire steam network from the boiler to the end-user using an advanced thermal imaging camera.
    • On identifying a hotspot, the location is tagged for easy identification and rectification. The area of the hotspot is measured and wind velocity at the spot is recorded by anemometer for heat loss calculation.
    • After scanning the entire steam network, the total heat loss from all hotspots is calculated. The heat loss is then converted to equivalent steam loss and monetary loss.
    • A detailed report is prepared which contains total heat loss, economic insulation thickness recommendations for different pipeline sizes, and its ROI.

    Instruments Used

    • Infrared Thermal Imager – To identify hotspots
    • Anemometer – To measure wind velocity

    Outcome of Audit

    • A list of all hotspots identified from the steam network.
    • Total heat loss, equivalent steam loss, and equivalent monetary loss.
    • Economic insulation thickness, type & quantity of insulation materials to be used.
    • Other recommendations and their ROI.


    By conducting a thermal insulation survey once a year, one can understand the current health condition of insulation materials on steam pipelines. Heat loss from the steam pipeline is directly fuel loss in the steam generator. Identifying and rectifying hotspots will give benefits in fuel savings, steam quality improvement, good health of pipelines, and reducing carbon emissions.

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