Balongan Refinery
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steam trap survey

Steam Trap Survey Boosts Process Plant Performance

Steam trap survey, steam is used in various industries as a source of heat and as a mechanical power source. For example, a system boiler provides steam to industries such as breweries, hospitals, food processing, universities, and laundry services. However, for this to happen, boilers must have working steam traps. Steam traps survey two functions:

thermal insulation audit

What is the significance of energy conservation in today’s World?

Thermal insulation audit -Energy is not simply the future in today’s World; it is also the driving force behind everything that is happening right now. As a global civilization, we generate and consume more energy than ever before, and the need for energy continues to rise. However, while we’ve been able to keep up with

compressed air leak audit

6 Tips to Reduce Compressed air Leak Audit costs whatever your production demands are

Compressed air leak audit- Everything in our life needs to be inspected regularly and, in most circumstances, replaced on a timely basis. This ensures optimal operation and, more crucially, improved performance. It’s no different at a production facility, an automotive manufacturing plant, the agriculture business, a refinery, a food manufacturing plant, or anywhere else where

compressed air leak audit

Compressed air leak audit best practices: Stop leak loss exclusive

Compressor Efficiency vs. Compressed Air Leak audit Compressed air leak audit – The most ignored industrial analytical and process systems feature compressed air, known as “shop air.” Running a compressor is a vital piece of equipment in a production facility, but its efficiency is sometimes disregarded. As a result, approximately 10-30% of total compressed air

Air Compressor Efficiency

Ways To Maximise Air Compressor Efficiency and Minimise Costs

Air Compressor Efficiency is one of the most expensive kinds of energy for manufacturing operations, consuming significantly more power than other machinery. In addition, electricity is required for every horsepower of compressed air. As a result, there’s often space for improvement, with many air compressors operating at efficiency as low as 10%. Fortunately, 50% of

steam trap survey

Steam Trap Surveys Reduce Energy Costs and Increase process Stability

Introduction Steam trap survey- Although not all process steam leaks are apparent, they are always costly, and if they are neglected, the hidden costs will increase. Unfortunately, you are underestimating the costs. Even in this era of increased energy efficiency and regular mentions of global warming in the media, not all businesses have considered what

steam trap testing

Why Steam Traps Testing is Necessary on Occasional Basis?

Steam trap testing- Steam generation costs a lot of money and energy; therefore, running your steam system as effectively as possible is a good idea. Checking to see if your steam traps are in good working order is smart to start. Steam traps are atypical and essential components of any steam-generating industrial plant. As a

compressed air leaks

Digital Tools for Compressed air System Measuring and Monitoring

Compressed air leaks- Primary onboard measures have always been included with every air compressor and dryer to assist service staff in determining whether or not repairs are required. It was usual in the past to have only analogue temperature and pressure gauges and a set of hour metres to detect when maintenance was required, all

steam trap survey

3 Reasons Your Steam Trap survey Are Failing

Many plant operators are concerned about steam trap failure. Steam trap failure reduces the efficiency of the steam system while also posing a safety risk. Steam trap failure can occur for a variety of causes. It would be beneficial to look over a couple of them and figure out how to prevent them. It is

thermal insulation

Thermal Insulation: What it is and How does it work?

Thermal insulation encompasses all measures to prevent heat transmission between a hot and cold medium. Thermal insulation is utilised in various applications, including construction (maintaining a comfortable temperature within a structure while using the least amount of energy), industries, automobiles, and chainsaws: the cold, the kitchen, and the cloth. The blanket keeps you warm because