Balongan Refinery
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Compressed Air Systems

5 Things to Do at Shutdown to Get Your Compressed Air Systems in Shape

Compressed air systems- Air leaks are your compressed air system’s biggest adversary, regardless of the outside temperature. Your business air compressors may be clear of contaminants (such as moisture or oil) and have excellent filtering capabilities, yet an air leak will cause them to fail. Air leaks can occur anywhere from your machine to the

infrared thermography for leak detection

The Benefits of Infrared Thermography Testing for Leak Detection

What is infrared thermography for leak detection? Infrared thermography for leak detection is the technique of utilising an infrared camera to check for unusually hot or cold spots on a component that is performing normally. It is the most basic of all thermal inspection techniques and a promising non-destructive evaluation approach for the characterisation of

predictive maintenance

A Complete Guide to Predictive Maintenance

To determine whether predictive maintenance is a technique that might benefit your business, you must first understand what it is, how it works, what its benefits and drawbacks are, and how to develop a predictive maintenance programme. You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re seeking a resource that can answer all of those questions

steam trap survey

Monitoring Steam Traps with Wireless Instrumentation

Steam trap surveys- What are steam traps? ​​Steam trap survey, Dirt, which can clog or leak the trap, and pressure surges, which can harm internal components, are the two most common reasons for steam-trap failure. Thus, steam trap surveys might be required. In industrial process steam heating systems, both must be avoided. The main purpose